Modifying Blink

Let’s try some modifications of the program. Whenever you modify a program from our code, make sure to “save as” a new program first. Add “-mod” to the end of the program name (for instance, “blink-led-mod”) and save in a new folder called “Mods”. If you are careful to do this every time, then you can go back and reuse the code you write during these programming sessions, and save time while making your pinball machine!

Try to modify the blink-led program in the following ways:

  1. Change the pin being used from 12 to 11, or 10. Remember that you’ll have to move the jumper wire to the correct pin on the Arduino if you change the program!
  2. Change the amount of time between blinks. Can you make it so the LED stays on for one second (1000 milliseconds), but stays off for half a second (500 milliseconds)?
  3. Cut all the lines inside the loop() function and move it into the setup() function. What does this program do? Try pressing the reset button on the Arduino. Can you explain what the LED is doing?