Sketch Guide

Arduino sketches, organized by order in each session

Lights and Colors:

  1. blink-led
  2. blink-variable
  3. two-leds
  4. buttons
  5. stopwatch
  6. rgb-led
  7. rgb-switches
  8. flags

Patterns and Loops:

  1. shift-registers
  2. bit-write
  3. flagged-patterns
  4. two-shreg
  5. timed-events
  6. timed-looped-event
  7. timed-shift-pattern

Sounds and Senses:

  1. analog-input
  2. analog-as-digital
  3. analog-tones
  4. analog-range
  5. scoreboard
  6. scoreboard-partitioned
  7. light-bar-exercise

Jukebox Challenge:

  1. music
  2. looped-soundtracks
  3. jukebox