Timed Shift Registers

Now let’s see how to use timed events and shift registers together. Disconnect the green LED from the Arduino, and reconnect the first shift register’s data pin to the Arduino’s pin 10.

Now upload the timed-shift-pattern sketch.

Now the timed event is being supplied the name of the function shiftpattern.

Also, the value arrays values[] and val2[] are no longer just ones and zeros. Try pressing the button.


The new looped sequence is defined in val2[] and tim2[], and is of length 8. Here are a few modifications to make (make sure to save as timed-shift-pattern-mod in your Mods folder!)

  • Try changing the order of numbers inside val2[] so the background loop has lit LEDs running away from each other instead of towards each other. This should be way easier to do than in the two-shreg sketch.
  • Try extending the length of values[] and timing[] to trigger a more complicated timed sequence upon button press. You can use higher numbers than 9, and modify shiftpattern to respond with new patterns.


Note the shregs.update(serdata) is now being called inside shiftpattern().